مخيمات البرمجة

App Creation Camp

Wouldn't it be great if we could simply create the app that is the perfect match for our needs? With us, your child can step into the world of App Innovators, where they transform ideas into real-world mobile apps. They master the art of app development with Thunkable, from visual coding to launching user-friendly applications for both Android and iOS.

App Creation Camp

for 13-18 سنة

دراسة عن بعد, دراسة حضورية

الحد الأقصى:12 (online: 8) مشاركين

Lengths: 5 days

المتطلبات السابقة: لا يوجد

دخول إلى ماي لوجيسكول ٧/٢٤

من مستخدم إلى مطور!

Our camp empowers aspiring creators to bring their app ideas to life. They dive into the essentials of user-friendly design and basic programming concepts, including variables, loops, and functions, using the intuitive Thunkable platform. Participants will design, code, and test a variety of applications, from a daily workout scheduler to a personal calorie counter, integrating device features like the camera, microphone, and more. By the end of this camp, they will have the skills to create useful and innovative apps that could become part of their everyday life, all while laying a solid foundation for future exploration in the digital creation space.


The camp centers around the following themes:

User-Friendly Design Principles: Learning the fundamentals of creating intuitive and visually appealing app interfaces that enhance user experience.

Introduction to Visual Coding: Understanding the building blocks of programming, including variables, loops, statements, and functions, setting the stage for advanced exploration in technology, getting hands-on experience with Thunkable's visual coding environment.

App Development from Concept to Prototype: Bringing innovative app ideas to fruition for Android and iPhone, developing everything from lifestyle tools to games using Thunkable's versatile features.

Integration of Device Functions: Exploring how to incorporate a device's native capabilities, such as the camera, microphone, and GPS into applications for enhanced functionality for voice, face, image, and text recognition.


الأطفال لا يحتاجون إلى أي تدريب سابق أو معرفة لإكمال هذا المخيم.

البرامج الضرورية

  • For our in-Logiscool camps: Participants are required to bring their own email account and an Android or iOS device (such as a mobile phone or tablet); we will provide all other necessary equipment.
  • In case, the school opens online camps: Each child needs a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. We also recommend a headset and a web camera. We will provide the software necessary for online communication. Participants are required to have their own email account and an Android or iOS device (such as a mobile phone or tablet) at hand. Our school coordinators will provide additional information on the installation of the necessary free software before the camp.
App Creation Camp

for 13-18 سنة

دراسة عن بعد, دراسة حضورية

الحد الأقصى:12 (online: 8) مشاركين

Lengths: 5 days

المتطلبات السابقة: لا يوجد

دخول إلى ماي لوجيسكول ٧/٢٤

مجتمع تعليمي عالمي للأطفال
تُعدُّ ماي لوجيسكول بمثابة مجتمع تعليمي عالمي فهي تتيح للطلاب فرصة أن يستوحوا أفكاراََ ملهمة من مشاريع أقرانهم. بإمكان الطلاب ممارسة وتعزيز ما تعلموه من خلال المشاركة في الألعاب المختلفة والمسابقات والتحديات. تُشجّع المنصة الطلاب على تحصيل الأنشطة المفيدة والمرحة بين الدروس، كما تُطلِعُهم على آخر الأخبار والأحداث العالمية في لوجيسكول. مَكِّن أطفالك من تعلم لغة المستقبل! بادر بحجز درس تجريبي مجاني ودعهم يستكشفون أسرار العالم الرقمي.