Premis Nobel 2024: Pioners de la IA Moderna
Els premis Nobel de Química i Física 2024 han reconegut el poder de la IA, amb David Baker, Demis Hassabis i John Jumper guardonats per utilitzar la IA per predir i dissenyar proteïnes, mentre que John Hopfield i Geoffrey Hinton van ser guardonats pel seu treball fonamental amb xarxes neuronals. Aquests avenços prometen un desenvolupament més ràpid de la medicina i una comprensió més profunda del paper de la IA en la tecnologia. A Logiscool, ens inspirem en aquests èxits i ens comprometem a ensenyar a la propera generació l'apassionant món de la ciència i la intel·ligència artificial.
Vols que el teu fill/a explori aquest món? Fes una ullada als nostres cursos avui mateix!

This school break, we’re introducing three brand-new camps for young creators who love Minecraft and Roblox! In our Minecraft Maze Master Camp, kids will design their own Escape Room adventure, learning redstone mechanics to create secret rooms, logic puzzles, and hidden traps. In our Minecraft Movie Camp, campers will become content creators, mastering video editing and cinematic techniques while producing their own Minecraft videos using Replay Mod and WeVideo. For those passionate about game development, our Roblox Multiverse Camp lets kids build their own teleportation-based game, learning to design interactive worlds and script exciting challenges in Roblox Studio. Each camp blends creativity, digital skills, and hands-on learning, giving kids a chance to bring their ideas to life. Join the adventure and start creating today!

In January 2025, Meta Platforms announced the discontinuation of its third-party fact-checking program on Facebook and Instagram, opting instead for a user-driven "Community Notes" system similar to that of X (formerly Twitter). This shift has raised concerns among experts and users about the potential increase in misinformation and hate speech on these platforms. Critics argue that relying on user-generated content moderation may be less effective than professional fact-checking, potentially exacerbating the spread of false information. As online environments evolve, it becomes more important than ever to teach our children about fake news, hoaxes, safe internet use, and netiquette.