Are you ready to unleash your creativity and become the newest Logiscool Junior Designer? This is your chance to imagine a unique character and bring it to life as part of Scoolcode’s digital world! Show off your drawing or painting skills, and your design could be featured as an actor in Scoolcode for projects that inspire your fellow Scoolers.
Here’s how you can enter and shine

1. Crea
Crea el teu propi actor de Scoolcode, dibuixa/pinta i posa-hi un nom.

2. Envia o porta
Porta l'obra d'art completada a la teva escola Logiscool o envia-la per correu electrònic al coordinador de l'escola amb bona qualitat.

3. Inscripció
El coordinador de la teva escola t'inscriurà al concurs.

4. Comencen les votacions!
Starting from 30 October, rally your friends and family to vote for your creation on the Facebook page of your Logiscool school. Every vote counts!

5. Ronda nacional
Els 3 millors dibuixos i 1 dibuix escollit pels formadors seran enviats al centre nacional Logiscool on un jurat professional seleccionarà el TOP 10.

6. Ronda internacional
El millor dibuix nacional participarà en la ronda internacional, on el jurat decidirà el TOP 10. Els Scoolers poden votar pels 10 finalistes a MyLogiscool.

7. Scoolers’ Vote
Once the Top 10 finalists are chosen, the voting is back in your hands! Scoolers worldwide will vote on MyLogiscool to decide the ranking of the finalists and select the three Junior Designers from the 10 international finalists.

Els dibuixos TOP 10 cobraran vida digitalment pel dissenyador de Logiscool i els penjaran al grup d'actors de Scoolcode, on podran ser els protagonistes dels vostres nous projectes. Els creadors dels tres millors dibuixos seran premiats amb el títol: el dissenyador júnior de Logiscool.

Condicions d'entrada
Paper size: A4 (portrait or landscape)
Mediums: Use any art technique you like! Color pencils, markers, watercolor, crayon, oil pastel, mixed media — let your creativity flow!
Originality: Your character must be original. Please avoid copyrighted or famous characters (cartoon, comic book heroes, etc.).
Submission deadline: All entries must be submitted by 27 October, 18:00 CET.
Eligibility: Only Scoolers (Logiscool students) can enter the contest. One entry per contestant.
Important Dates
Submission period: 7 October - 27 October, 18:00 CET
Voting starts: 30 October
National and International rounds: After voting ends, national and international jury selections will take place.