Cursos de Programació

Generative AI Short Course

Propel your child into the world of future technologies! This short course offers a comprehensive and engaging introduction to generative AI, helping kids unravel the mysteries of using different generative AI applications while taking a glimpse into the background of these innovative new concepts.

Generative AI Short Course

per a 3rd Primary - 2nd ESO alumnes

en línia, presencial, Individualment

Màx.: 12 (en línia: 8) participants

Lessons: 10 x 90 mins

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

Freqüència: 1-4 classes/setmana, depèn de la ubicació

Shaping the Future: Unleash Your Child's Creativity with AI!

Children learn to create and interpret AI-generated text, images, and sounds, fostering not only their creativity but also critical thinking about the ethics and future implications of AI. It's an ideal platform for young minds interested in technology, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be innovators in the rapidly evolving digital world.


Basics of AI: Introduction to the concept of machine learning, neural networks, and the evolution of AI technology so far.

Generative AI and Prompting: Hands-on experience with AI-generated content, focusing on effective prompting techniques.

Text and Image Generation: Exploration of text and image generation using AI with practical exercises.

Animation and Sound/Voice Generation: Creating animations using text-to-video applications combining with generated sounds or voices.

Future and Usability: Combining AI generated pieces of content and discussing the possible future of AI technology.

Reliability and Glitches: Understanding AI's abilities and limitations.


Els nens no necessiten cap formació ni coneixements previs per completar aquest curs.

Software necessari

  • For our in-Logiscool short course: We provide all the necessary tools for the short course.
  • In case, the school opens online short course: To participate in the online short course, each student will need a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. We also recommend a headset and a web camera. We will provide the software necessary for online communication. Our school coordinators will provide additional information on the installation of the necessary free software before the short course.
Generative AI Short Course

per a 3rd Primary - 2nd ESO alumnes

en línia, presencial, Individualment

Màx.: 12 (en línia: 8) participants

Lessons: 10 x 90 mins

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

Freqüència: 1-4 classes/setmana, depèn de la ubicació

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Generative AI Short Course
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Portal internacional de la comunitat educativa
Amb MyLogiscool, el nostre portal comunitari educatiu de classe mundial, els estudiants troben inspiració en els projectes dels companys. Poden practicar allò que van aprendre i millorar els seus coneixements mentre juguen amb les nostres genials mini missions, jocs d'alta puntuació, qüestionaris i desafiaments. La plataforma els anima a realitzar activitats útils i divertides entre lliçons i també els informa sobre les properes notícies i esdeveniments a Logiscool. Ajuda els teus fills/es a aprendre el llenguatge del futur! Reserva una classe demo gratuïta i permet-los descobrir els misteris més interessants del món digital.