Cursos de Programació

ImagiCharm Short Course

Is your child interested in programming, fashion, or animation? Then ImagiCharm might be their next favorite toy!

ImagiCharm Short Course

per a 9 - 12 anys

en línia, presencial, Individualment

Màx.: 12 (en línia: 8) participants

Lessons: 6 x 90 mins

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

Freqüència: 1-4 classes/setmana, depèn de la ubicació

Empower and inspire your kids!

ImagiCharm is a smart accessory that can be programmed to look different every day, through colorful LED lights. Kids can learn coding by designing and animating all the 64 lights of their ImagiCharm. This cool accessory can be worn on backpacks, bags or as a keychain.


The short course will center around the following themes:

The basics of programming and algorithmic thinking

An introduction to Python programming, one of the most popular programming languages, both within the context of the ImagiLabs application and outside of it

The basics of pixel art and design

An introduction to the increasingly popular field of wearable technologies

An introduction to smart LED fashion apparels

Understanding color models in technology

Què aprendrà el vostre fill:

During this short course, students will be introduced to basic principles of coding and the Python programming language in a fun, tangible and visual way using the ImagiLabs application. Through this application, kids will learn how to program an ImagiCharm, how to visualize different shapes and animations for an 8x8 pixel screen while learning about fundamental concepts such as variables, control structures, text handling, functions and much more.

Purchasing the ImagiCharm for course participation is not necessary. Kids will have the opportunity to try it out in person during the short course. By participating in the short course, you will be entitled to a 25% discount on the purchase of ImagiCharm at the imagiLabs webshop.


Els nens no necessiten cap formació ni coneixements previs per completar aquest curs.

Software necessari

  • For our in-Logiscool short course: Participants will need their own accessible email account. We provide all the necessary tools for the short course.
  • In case, the school opens online short course: To participate in the online short course, each student will need a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. We also recommend a headset and a web camera. We will provide the software necessary for online communication. Our school coordinators will provide additional information on the installation of the necessary free software before the short course.

Owning an ImagiCharm is not necessary, however, by participating in the short course, you will be entitled to a 25% discount on the purchase of ImagiCharm at the imagiLabs webshop.

ImagiCharm Short Course

per a 9 - 12 anys

en línia, presencial, Individualment

Màx.: 12 (en línia: 8) participants

Lessons: 6 x 90 mins

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

Freqüència: 1-4 classes/setmana, depèn de la ubicació

Portal internacional de la comunitat educativa
Amb MyLogiscool, el nostre portal comunitari educatiu de classe mundial, els estudiants troben inspiració en els projectes dels companys. Poden practicar allò que van aprendre i millorar els seus coneixements mentre juguen amb les nostres genials mini missions, jocs d'alta puntuació, qüestionaris i desafiaments. La plataforma els anima a realitzar activitats útils i divertides entre lliçons i també els informa sobre les properes notícies i esdeveniments a Logiscool. Ajuda els teus fills/es a aprendre el llenguatge del futur! Reserva una classe demo gratuïta i permet-los descobrir els misteris més interessants del món digital.