LEGO WeDo offers a great way to make your first steps in the amazing world of robotics! In the camp first you will build robots with different sensors and program them through exciting, natural-science projects. In our opinion, the inventor is there in everybody who is eager to create his/her creative ideas. Put up the fight against pollution, build self-driving vehicles or even make a smart soccer goal and win the penalty duel! With motorized LEGO WeDo robots, like adult scientists and engineers you can work on solving real problems, but you can even design your own robots with your friends. It is up to you twhat you build - fun is guaranteed!
per a 6 - 9 anys
Prerequisits: cap
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Potenciant la curiositat i les habilitats!
Segons la nostra opinió, l'inventor està en tot el que vulgui crear les seves pròpies idees. Amb els robots motoritzats LEGO WeDo, els nens poden treballar com a científics i enginyers, dissenyant els seus propis robots i resolent problemes reals. Depèn d'ells allò que construeixin, fomentant la seva creativitat i imaginació.
Els nens no necessiten cap formació ni coneixements previs per completar aquest casal.
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per a 6 - 9 anys
Prerequisits: cap
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