Cursos de Creador Digital

Minecraft Modding Short Course

Our short course teaches students to use different programs to mod Minecraft. Modding means that they'll be able to put new things into the game: they can create their own superhero characters, tools, or special abilities. This activity will also introduce them to the basics of programming.

Minecraft Modding Short Course

per a 11 - 13 anys

en línia, presencial, Individualment

Màx.: 12 (en línia: 8) participants

Lessons: 10 x 90 mins

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

Freqüència: 1-4 classes/setmana, depèn de la ubicació

Create worlds with Minecraft!

Does your kid know what would make Minecraft even better? This short course will teach them how to introduce their ideas into the game, through modding, or in-game modifications. One of the secrets behind Minecraft's massive popularity is that it's easily modified and allows players to tweak it to their personal preferences with a little bit of know-how. The computer game industry is full of designers and programmers who started out by modding games and found the path to a game development career through this activity.


The short course will center around the following themes:

Making Minecraft mods through the creation of brand new, unique items and characters, or through the changing of the attributes of preexisting objects

The use of the Blockbench 3D design program that lets students create their own, unique objects

The use of the MCreator modding software to give objects unique abilities and behavior, and also to learn the basics of programming

Exporting and using mods


Basic Minecraft knowledge is needed.

Software necessari

  • In case, the school opens online short course: Besides a valid Minecraft subscription, each student will also need a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. We also recommend a headset and a web camera. We will provide the software necessary for online communication. Our school coordinators will provide additional information on the installation of necessary free software before the short course.
Minecraft Modding Short Course

per a 11 - 13 anys

en línia, presencial, Individualment

Màx.: 12 (en línia: 8) participants

Lessons: 10 x 90 mins

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

Freqüència: 1-4 classes/setmana, depèn de la ubicació

Portal internacional de la comunitat educativa
Amb MyLogiscool, el nostre portal comunitari educatiu de classe mundial, els estudiants troben inspiració en els projectes dels companys. Poden practicar allò que van aprendre i millorar els seus coneixements mentre juguen amb les nostres genials mini missions, jocs d'alta puntuació, qüestionaris i desafiaments. La plataforma els anima a realitzar activitats útils i divertides entre lliçons i també els informa sobre les properes notícies i esdeveniments a Logiscool. Ajuda els teus fills/es a aprendre el llenguatge del futur! Reserva una classe demo gratuïta i permet-los descobrir els misteris més interessants del món digital.