7 tips to choose the right camp for your child
School break is on us, and it is high time to start looking for a holiday camp for your child. Parents and children are often spoiled by the many options these days, and it can be hard to pick a place which your child will find both enjoyable and useful. We have collected some advice to help you choose in a smart way.
You child's comfort zone, and how far to push it
People, and young children especially, are liable to become slaves to habit: once something works for them, they will choose the same thing the next time if they can. This can be a tendency, which narrows down the range of interest, and does not offer new positive experiences. Look for something new for your child if possible, something different than what they tried last year. Seeking out new impulses and things to study is also important because learning keeps the brain sharp, so your child will also perform better at school when the new semester starts. It is just like fitness or skills with a musical instrument: if an athlete or a musician neglects practice for an entire holiday time, their performance can degrade by new semester start spectacularly.
Naturally, the other side of the coin is that you must not force something on your child if they are afraid of it. A good compromise between the two extremes is to look for a camp where the subject connects to something they already know and love but is still different. If your child likes to play Minecraft or Roblox, for example, they could learn about solving engineering problems or creating new game levels through them; and they could also acquire physics or programming knowledge playfully while doing so.

A smart choice: playful digital literacy camps
Children are surrounded by digital devices from an early age, but numerous studies show that they do not acquire digital literacy-related knowledge through using them. These skills, however, are necessary for self-conscious and confident computer use and a successful future. The school holiday provides an excellent opportunity to beat this handicap. Why couldn't your child attend a camp where they will learn new scientific and computer-related knowledge playfully, through digital graphics, video, or image creation, designing computer games, robotics, or exploring Minecraft or Roblox? Naturally, they should do so in a balanced manner, enjoying active, quality recreation provided by the camp for half the day, rather than sitting in front of the screen from morning till evening. Your child would surely find something they like in the uncountable topics related to digital gadgets and games, so this is certainly an option to consider.

Research the camp and its operating company
Unfortunately, not all enterprises offer the same quality, so it is worth snooping around a bit once you find an interesting camp. Once you have checked some online reviews and browsed their website, it is best to also contact them directly and ask questions. Here are our 7 tips for topics in which you can ask questions:
What certificates, what professional and pedagogical background do the camp's teachers and trainers have? It is a natural expectation that they should be well-versed about the subject they will be introducing children to, but that alone is not enough. It is just as important to have professionally trained educators present alongside the experts, since they are the ones who know how to manage an entire group of children.
Exactly what knowledge will they instruct the children, and what methodology will they use? We are sure you would not want your child to spend their long-awaited vacation time in an environment just like an average school, rather than in a place where they can learn a personalized, well-constructed curriculum playfully, through exciting tasks.
What are group sizes at the camp; how many children are there to one adult? It is obvious that large groups with little oversight will not only sour children's experiences but can even be dangerous.
It is also worth asking about age category groupings. Children of the same or similar age get along and solve age-appropriate tasks better and develop new friendships easier.
Ask about the camp menu. Make sure the camp can meet any special dietary requirements your child might have. Avoid places where healthy foods are neglected in favor or sweets and junk food.
Ask about the organization and schedule of camp days. Whatever kids might be learning there, it is also important for them to have enough free time; but make sure that time is spent meaningfully, instead of just wandering about the courtyard. Ask if supervisors or educators are there with the children during free time.
Inquire about the camp's location, and exactly what your child will need to bring along (e.g. cash, swimsuits, indoors clothes). Where, under what circumstances will free time occur? The ideal location is safe and isolated from the outside world, where unauthorized individuals have no access to the children, and where the equipment needed for the education program is provided by the camp organizer.
It is important to ask these questions before making a final decision. Beside the content of the replies, their level of detail or simply the personal tone of the replier can also tell you a lot about the quality and reliability of the camp.
At Logiscool, we hold programming, robotics, creative creator, Minecraft and Roblox camps in a safe environment with small groups and certified trainers to introduce children to the world of computers and the digital world. Our aim is to teach knowledge that children will find useful in the future, and to pass this on playfully, in a good mood, and in a form tailored to the participants' age. We provide quality free time for our campers for half of each day, giving them a chance for active recreation and to recharge their batteries together with their new friends. Every child is interested in digital surfaces; why not let them learn how to use them smarter and more consciously during school holiday? Check out our camps, where every child can find their favorite topic:
Feel free to contact our nearest school to you, and we will be happy to give you detailed information!
Come to our free Camp Challenge day where your kids can complete fun challenges in today's most exciting topics and they can even win a camp: