Praha 5 - Arbesovo nám
Praha 5 - Arbesovo nám
Praha 5 - Arbesovo nám
Praha 5 - Arbesovo nám
Empower Tomorrow's Innovators!
Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
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Last week, we came across an article summarizing the results of a recent survey conducted by the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL). 📊 This research revealed that a high percentage of companies in IT and business services report a lack of skilled workers.
🔎 63% of companies struggle with a shortage of experts in automation and robotics. 🔎 50% of companies lack data analysts.
As a result, businesses are facing a growing challenge in finding employees with the necessary technical and analytical skills, which are crucial for keeping up with digital transformation. 💻 This issue isn’t limited to the private sector but also impacts the broader development of society.
How can we change this? 🎯 At Logiscool, we believe the answer lies in supporting the future generation from an early age. That’s why we focus on helping children develop technology and programming skills from a young age.
During September and October, we opened a total of 68 coding and digital literacy courses in Prague primary schools, with nearly 700 children currently participating. We are happy that for the first time in the Czech Republic we have reached over 1000 children who can be introduced to the world of digital technologies.
🔹 42 primary schools 🔹 6 branches and online 🔹 1100+ children
In-school courses are a great place for complete beginners to try coding and develop their digital creativity. Even the youngest children have the opportunity to discover the basics of programming in an environment they know well, without having to travel around town. And then in later years they can follow up at our branches.
Meet our Team!
We opened Logiscool Arbes Square in August 2020. We welcomed the first children at our camps in summer 2020. Our main goal is to get children excited about coding, to teach them how interesting the digital world can be and to learn how to use it to their advantage, actively and consciously. We believe that the knowledge and skills they gain with us will always be useful to them. It is extremely motivating for us to see how creative and active the children are and how much they enjoy the lessons.
We offer all types of courses at the branch:
- Visual Programming Beginners (3rd-5th grade, 5th-7th grade, 7th-9th grade)
- Advanced Programming (Python, Unity, Robotics Lego Spike)
- Digital Literacy - Digital Discovery (2nd-3rd grade, 4th-5th grade)
- Video production
We look forward to seeing the children at our daily camps during the holidays. The morning part is at the branch, in the afternoon we enjoy activities in the surroundings (bouldering, lasergame, bowling,...).
We cooperate with schools in the area to organize afternoon clubs, demo lessons for whole classes and other events.
Explore Our School and Experience Innovation Firsthand!
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