Empower Tomorrow's Innovators!
Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
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Érdeklődik gyermeked a programozás, játékkészítés iránt? Szeretnéd látni, hogyan működik iskolánk? Itt a lehetőség! Januári ingyenes próbaóránkra való regisztráláshoz megnyitottuk a jelentkezési felületet. Válassz egy időpontot, regisztrálj, és mi hatalmas élményekkel, ajándékokkal várunk Benneteket szeretettel!
Újonnan csatlakozni kívánó diákjaink számára: Több időpontban hirdetünk meg ingyenes próbaórákat, amelyeken ki tudjátok próbálni, hogy milyen is egy igazi Logiscool foglalkozás! További információkért keressetek Bennünket bizalommal e-mailben, vagy telefonon.Regisztráljatok Nyílt napunkra, ingyenes próbaóránkra!
Meet our Team!
In 2017, we launched Logiscool in Rákoskeresztúr. In line with Logiscool's philosophy, we introduce children to the exciting world of digital literacy and programming in a playful way. It is important for us that our students learn the basics of programming with joy and enthusiasm.
We are proud that the number of our students, which currently exceeds 300, is growing year by year. It is extremely important for us that the children who study with us not only acquire knowledge, but also have a good time doing it. That’s why we place great emphasis on selecting our undergraduate faculty who provide quality education.
It is important for us that not only the children but also the parents are satisfied, so continuous communication with the parents is one of the cornerstones of our work. Our goal is to help students navigate the digital world in a confident manner.
We have received a lot of positive feedback in recent years, which super inspiring for us!
- More than 2,000 satisfied students have already joined our courses, camps and workshops.
- Several of our old students attending the course joined our team as instructors.
- We have had hundreds of successful camps over the past 5 years: Minecraft, Robloxon Video Editing, Robotics and many more digital topics.
- In our creative workshops, our students were able to implement their ideas in a number of exciting digital areas.
Explore Our School and Experience Innovation Firsthand!
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