Explorer Camps

Gaming Explorer Camp

For all those gaming enthusiast out there! We have a week for you, where every day is a new adventure! Kids are introduced to different games and creative gaming topics, from Minecraft and Roblox all the way to 2D game design!

Gaming Explorer Camp

for 9-11 years olds, 2-6 graders


Prerequisites: none

24/7 MyLogiscool access

Learn and play!

Let your child explore their creativity and algorithmic skills while playing games! Our special Gamer’s Exploration Camp contains carefully selected creative gaming topics. They can try Minecraft, Roblox, create their own game universe, and make 2D games, learning the basics of coding and algorithmic thinking along the way. This way, your child can learn and develop their creative skills, while doing what they like best: gaming!


Game platform design

The basics of Minecraft (Redstone, logical gates)

Creating, setting up, and using different objects and characters in Roblox

Understanding interactions, event controls (clicking, colliding, etc.), and loops

Programming a game using visual coding

2D level design, tile mapping, actors, and animations using the RPG Maker software


A basic understanding of Minecraft is preferred.

Necessary software

We provide all the necessary tools for the camp!

Gaming Explorer Camp

for 9-11 years olds, 2-6 graders


Prerequisites: none

24/7 MyLogiscool access

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International edutaining community portal for kids
With MyLogiscool, our world-class edutaining community portal, students can find inspiration in their peers' projects. They can practice what they learnt and enhance their knowledge while playing with our cool mini quests, high score games, quizzes and challenges. The platform encourages them to pursue useful and fun activities in between lessons and also informs them about upcoming international and local news and events at Logiscool. Help your kids learn the language of the future! Book a free Demo lesson and let them discover the coolest mysteries of the digital realm.