Logiscool - Create. Code. Enjoy.

Why is programming so important?

In a world where technology touches every aspect of our lives, it is crucial that our children become active creators of technology, not just passive users.

Algorithmic thinking

Our students learn logical thinking, problem solving and process creation. Even their school results can improve.

Digital literacy

In the near future no profession is untouched by computers, therefore coding is a core skill of 21. century that every child must possess.


Our experience-based teaching method wide-opens doors to creativity during programming education. While seriously learning they do what they most like: create.

It is cool

We teach kids and teens the joy of computer coding by helping them write their own cool computer animations, games and applications.


Even if not all our students will become programmers but Logiscool is a perfect "investment" in any workspace - there is a constantly growing need for all kinds of coding knowledge worldwide.

Why learn coding in Logiscool?

  • We teach for 10 years, there is over 170,000 students who started coding at one of our courses or coding camps.
    According to them and their parents we are doing it well :-)
  • Our engaging and unique own education platform can be taylor made for all children ages and expertize levels.
  • We are convinced that learning the core skill of the future can be fun and easy.
  • There is more and more children starting to code worldwide why would you be out of such a cool thing?

Camps & Courses


We offer an engaging own education platform, innovative, long-term curriculum in 90 minutes after-school classes, university students as trainers and inspiring environment in a fast growing number of Logiscool locations.

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There is a full variety of topics in our popular holiday coding camps including computer game and application design, Minecraft, robots, video and photo editing, website creation, etc. Whatever the topic is, the other half of the day is reserved for outdoor activities and fun.

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Meet our schools

31 countries
170+ locations
170,000+ students

We're looking for franchise partners

What we're proud of