Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
My child's knowledge in mathematics has become more stable since attending Logiscool. They're not just randomly pressing keys to shoot things, but actually learning and spending their time productively.

Stay updated with the Latest Community News!

Award for the most active Mylogiscool student community 2023.
April 11, 2024

We bring you exciting news from our meeting with Master Partners of Logiscool in Budapest: Logiscool Serbia system won the award Most Active Mylogiscool Student Community 2023 🏆

Thanks to our amazing partners whose dedication fuels our shared journey to make digital skills for children accessible and quality!📘

Thanks to our wonderful trainers and students for sharing knowledge, learning and having fun!

Our mission is that children and young people, in addition to learning to code, are equipped with the necessary skills to navigate and shape the future. 🌟

Nyári táborok a Logiscool Dunakesziben!
March 22, 2024

Megkezdődött a nyári táborokra a jelentkezés a Logiscool Dunakesziben! A korábbi évekhez hasonlóan a délelőtti szakmai programokat izgalmas és színes délutáni szabadidős elfoglaltságokkal egészítjük ki. Várunk benneteket szeretettel!

September 1, 2023
Hamarosan kezdődik az őszi félév!

December 10, 2022
Our Digital Discovery course is the 'Best New Digital Course'!

September 20, 2022

July 29, 2022
Register with your child for our Open day!

March 21, 2022
Summer camps

Meet our Team!

Logiscool Dunakeszi opennned its doors in 2015, teaching programming and digital literacy to children. Our dedicated team of instructors work every day to offer interesting, meaningful, afterschool activities to children aged 7 to 18.

In addition to teaching programming, we aim to help students to acquire critical thinking skills and foster digital literacy, skills that are essential not just in a school environment, but in everyday life.

In addition to our programming courses, we regularly organize workshops in Minecraft modding, 3D design, and other creative digital topics.

In our fun summer camps, kids can delve into a number of exciting topics. They can program LEGO robots, build Minecraft or Roblox worlds, or take creative photos and videos.

For our students, Logiscool is more than a programming school. We have managed to create an active community where teachers, parents and students all work together to make learning a truly fun and engaging process. 

Explore Our School and Experience Innovation Firsthand!

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