Ulaanbaatar Center
Ulaanbaatar Center
Ulaanbaatar Center
Ulaanbaatar Center
Apply for an Open day!
Нээлттэй өдөрлөгийн дараагийн огноо
Prepare your child for the technological challenges of the future!
Meet our school managers, and enjoy their 60-minute presentation!
Let your child enjoy our fun teaching method and create their first digital game!
Discover the skills your child can develop with our award-winning curriculum!
Learn how new technologies and AI are shaping your child's future!
Said about us
The RoadMap for the Successful Future
Logiscool guides your child from the basics all the way to earning a Python diploma!
Coding is the language of the future. This course teaches basic digital skills and analytical thinking.
Spark your kid's interest in IT with cutting-edge digital tools, such as LEGO robots, Canva or MS Video Editor!
Smooth transition from visual coding to written programming languages while kids create computer games.
Empower your child to earn a Python diploma, learn AI and data science while delving into game development projects.
The best international coding school
Үүсгэн байгуулагдсан
Digital Discovery course, Hungary
One extra after-school lesson per week above all!
Logiscool offers the superpower for the future, while having fun!
21-р зууны ур чадварыг хөгжүүлэх
Logiscool kids will be skillful and confident in the digital world, they become conscious and critical consumers of digital content.
Ирээдүйн мэргэжлүүдэд бэлдээрэй
Код бичих нь олон ажлын байрны энгийн шаардлага болон хувирч байна. Иймээс олон компаниуд код бичих чадвартай ажилтанг эрэлхийлж байна.
Тоглоомд суурилсан сургалт
Unlike conventional schools, Logiscool provides a supportive community for tech education, where trainers have cutting-edge technological expertise.