دورات البرمجة

Basics of AI and Data Science


By taking this course, participants will gain insight into the world of data science and artificial intelligence. With the help of various online software and Scoolcode, they will familiarize themselves with the basic concepts related to the topic.

Basics of AI and Data Science 403 Course

for 12+ سنة

دراسة عن بعد, دراسة حضورية

Prerequisites: MIX 312 course or the Logiscool Entry Test for Advanced programming courses

دخول إلى ماي لوجيسكول ٧/٢٤

Taking it to the next level!

During the course, we introduce intermediate coders to basic concepts in artificial intelligence and data science with fun tools and inspiring examples. Students will have the opportunity to try software containing algorithms based on machine learning. In addition, they also program smart algorithms in Scoolcode.


سوف تركز الدورة حول المواضيع التالية:

an introduction to supervised and unsupervised (machine) learning, numeric models and kNN algorithms with help of online software

getting to know decision trees through creating an adventure game

game modeling (teaching, learning with data sets) using online tools and Scoolcode

breadth and depth first search with Scoolcode programming

programming “artificial intelligence” into Scoolcode games

learning about data visualization from data sets - extracting and displaying comprehensible information from data

human responsibility and ethical issues in the field of artificial intelligence

introduction to image processing and generation, text writing and music production using AI-based software


Scoolers need to take the MIX 312 course or the Logiscool Entry Test for Advanced programming courses as a prerequisite.

البرامج الضرورية

  • Offline at a Logiscool school: Our students will need a Google Account. We provide all other necessary equipment for the course.
  • In case, the school opens online courses: A prerequisite for taking an online course is a home laptop or computer with a stable Internet connection and a built-in or external microphone, a mouse, and a Google Account. A headset and webcam can also be useful. We provide the software needed for online communication.
Basics of AI and Data Science 403 Course

for 12+ سنة

دراسة عن بعد, دراسة حضورية

Prerequisites: MIX 312 course or the Logiscool Entry Test for Advanced programming courses

دخول إلى ماي لوجيسكول ٧/٢٤

مجتمع تعليمي عالمي للأطفال
تُعدُّ ماي لوجيسكول بمثابة مجتمع تعليمي عالمي فهي تتيح للطلاب فرصة أن يستوحوا أفكاراََ ملهمة من مشاريع أقرانهم. بإمكان الطلاب ممارسة وتعزيز ما تعلموه من خلال المشاركة في الألعاب المختلفة والمسابقات والتحديات. تُشجّع المنصة الطلاب على تحصيل الأنشطة المفيدة والمرحة بين الدروس، كما تُطلِعُهم على آخر الأخبار والأحداث العالمية في لوجيسكول. مَكِّن أطفالك من تعلم لغة المستقبل! بادر بحجز درس تجريبي مجاني ودعهم يستكشفون أسرار العالم الرقمي.