مخيمات ماين كرافت

Minecraft Mod Masters Camp

In our camp, young gamers aged 11-13 transform their Minecraft experience by creating custom mods. They harness the power of MCreator and Blockbench to bring their unique ideas to life within Minecraft, from legendary weapons to custom creatures, in this immersive modding adventure.

Minecraft Mod Masters Camp

for 11-13 سنة

دراسة عن بعد, دراسة حضورية

الحد الأقصى:12 (online: 8) مشاركين

Lengths: 5 days

المتطلبات السابقة: لا يوجد

دخول إلى ماي لوجيسكول ٧/٢٤

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One of the secrets behind Minecraft's massive popularity is that it is easily modified and allows players to tweak it to their personal preferences with a little bit of know-how. With us, they learn to create their own superhero characters, tools, or special abilities. This camp inspires creativity and introduces the fundamentals of game development. It also teaches the basics of programming—including variables, loops, and conditionals—but also encourages children to experiment with their own or famous characters and vehicles, paving the path towards becoming proficient modders.


The camp centers around the following themes:

Custom Mod Creation: Designing and implementing Minecraft mods, transforming gameplay with unique entities, tools, and features.

3D Modeling with Blockbench: Mastering the art of 3D modeling to create custom objects and characters in a block-based environment, bringing visions to virtual life.

Visual Coding with MCreator: Diving into the basics of programming through visual coding on MCreator, understanding the concepts of variables, loops, and conditional statements, endowing their unique objects, and living beings (created with Blockbench) with special properties.

Innovative Game Development: Gaining insights into game development processes, exploring how mods can enhance gameplay and introducing new gameplay mechanics.

Creative Expression and Presentation: Showcasing custom mods in a virtual exhibition, highlighting the creativity and technical skills developed during the camp.


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البرامج الضرورية

  • In case, the school opens online camps: Besides a valid Minecraft subscription, each student will also need a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. We also recommend a headset and a web camera. We will provide the software necessary for online communication. Our school coordinators will provide additional information on the installation of necessary free software before the camp.
Minecraft Mod Masters Camp

for 11-13 سنة

دراسة عن بعد, دراسة حضورية

الحد الأقصى:12 (online: 8) مشاركين

Lengths: 5 days

المتطلبات السابقة: لا يوجد

دخول إلى ماي لوجيسكول ٧/٢٤

مجتمع تعليمي عالمي للأطفال
تُعدُّ ماي لوجيسكول بمثابة مجتمع تعليمي عالمي فهي تتيح للطلاب فرصة أن يستوحوا أفكاراََ ملهمة من مشاريع أقرانهم. بإمكان الطلاب ممارسة وتعزيز ما تعلموه من خلال المشاركة في الألعاب المختلفة والمسابقات والتحديات. تُشجّع المنصة الطلاب على تحصيل الأنشطة المفيدة والمرحة بين الدروس، كما تُطلِعُهم على آخر الأخبار والأحداث العالمية في لوجيسكول. مَكِّن أطفالك من تعلم لغة المستقبل! بادر بحجز درس تجريبي مجاني ودعهم يستكشفون أسرار العالم الرقمي.