L'aprenentatge informàtic, és tot diversió i jocs!
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España Online

España Online

España Online

España Online

Mare d'un nen petit, Logiscool Budaörs
Els coneixements de matemàtiques del meu fill s'han tornat més estables des que assisteix a Logiscool. No estan prement tecles aleatòriament per disparar coses, sinó que en realitat aprenen i passen el seu temps de manera productiva.

Mantingueu-vos al dia amb les últimes notícies de la comunitat!

September course registration is on!
15 de juny de 2023

From today, you can enroll to our online courses, starting in September 2023.

Throughout September, we will organize FREE DEMO CLASSES for those interested in discovering the passionate world of coding.

If you cannot wait until September, let us know and we will organize a one-on-one demo class with one of our teachers!

Sign up for a FREE DEMO CLASS
Register your kid to one of our free trial lessons
20 de gener de 2023

We have opened registration for our courses starting in February.

Throughout January, you will have the opportunity to register your kid to one of our FREE TRIAL LESSONS, where he/she will discover what coding is about, while creating his/her first video game.

Sign up HERE!

10 de desembre de 2022
El nostre curs Descobriment digital és el "Millor Nou Curs Digital"!

15 d'octubre de 2022
One-on-one online coding classes

14 d'octubre de 2022
Online creative workshops: ¡enrolment is open!

Més notícies...

Coneix el nostre equip!

Through our online center, we allow kids and teens of all Spain to access the best coding and digital literacy courses and activities available worldwide.

Our team is very happy to be able to offer not only courses but also camps and workshops, all 100% online, to your children, making the Logiscool offering available to everyone living far from our physical centers.

We are proud to give the opportunity to the Spanish young people to develop digital skills which allow them to be better prepared for the labour market in the future.

The online school in Spain was launched as the Covid pandemic started to spread in 2020. It allowed existing students to continue follow our courses and also gave access to more kids and teens from their home.

We have already taught to thousands of young people across all our country, and we want to continue reaching more families!

From the comfort of your own home, your children will able to access:

  • our own educational online platform "Scoolcode" and proven method, ideal for kids from 6 years old up to 18
  • more than 800 lessons of a wide range of topics (coding, robotics, Minecraft, Roblox, video production, artificial intelligence, ...): some kids have been studying with Logiscool for more than 6 years!
  • a powerful international community through MyLogiscool portal where coding competitions, drawing contests and other events are organized throughout the year - our students love it!

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