9 life-changing tips to help you stay healthy in the remote-everything era

Jul 20, 2021

Spending an inordinate amount of time on our laptops was already weaved into the fabric of modern life, and then came the global pandemic. Remote working and remote learning have become business as usual in what felt like the blink of an eye, skyrocketing screen time and further exacerbating the sedentary and solitary aspects of modern life. Whether it’s for your job or your studies, sitting in front of your computer all day, holed up in your home, will inevitably wear you down. To assist you in staying in top shape both mentally and physically, we’ve collected 9 useful tips that will help you overcome all the challenges that the remote-everything era presents.

desk with a laptop, notebook, books and mobile phone on it

Take care of your body…

1. Keep it moving

Whether it’s yoga, hiking, martial arts, basketball, football, or underwater manatee poking, doing sports is unbelievably beneficial for your body and mind. It’s a cliché, but sports not only build muscles, they also build character, making you more confident, tougher and persevering in the process. Moreover, working up a sweat helps you let off some steam and chase all your worries away - and, to top it off, it provides a great way to socialize. We suggest exercising 3 to 4 times per week, though you can kick off your sports journey with less. Just don’t give up.

2. Go for a walk. Every. Single. Day.

You may not consider a stroll in the neighbourhood a workout, but let us tell you that it is indeed a workout. The key, as always, lies in consistency. Try to squeeze in a walk in the 30-minute-to-1-hour range into your daily schedule – believe us, it will do wonders. You can even turn something as mundane as grocery shopping into a challenge. Grab those bags packed with delicious goodies, and take the longer way home. For extra motivation, make sure you download a step counter app to track your results and progress.

3. Take a break

Leave the digital grind behind for 10 minutes per hour. Any activity of your choice that takes your mind off of the task in front of you will suffice – especially if it doesn’t involve staring at another screen and actually makes you get up from your chair and move around. Do a few yoga poses, a breathing exercise, play with your pet, do the dishes or any other chore. As long as it’s not working, studying, or being on your phone, it probably gets our seal of approval.

4. The right setup is everything

Having the right setup – an ergonomic office chair, screen at eye level, to name the two most crucial ingredients – improves your posture, which in turn helps you avoid back problems, headaches and other slouching-related issues. Practice perfect posture: pull your shoulders back, keep your back flat against your chair, and rest your feet flat on the ground without crossing your legs or ankles. It’s harder than it seems – if you think we’re being dramatic, just give it a go right now, and see how long you last.

5. Go easy on your ears

Wearing headphones or earbuds all day might be convenient and is certainly easy to get used to, but the ugly truth is that it isn’t healthy at all. The sound constantly hitting so close to your eardrums can, in a worst-case-scenario, damage your hearing, while also causing dizziness, ear pain, ear infections, and lead to the development of ear wax, another hotbed of ear-related health issues.

6. Eat well

A healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins, lean protein, vegetables, and fruits is the absolute bedrock of improving your quality of life, maintaining your ideal body weight and boosting your mental sharpness. They say you are what you eat, so try not to become fast food mixed with a pile of sugary snacks. Online resources are aplenty – do your research, experiment, and find what works for you best. Oh, and have we mentioned staying hydrated? Well, now we have. Drink. That. Water. Water, not cola.

…as you care for your soul

7. Balance it out

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance under the current circumstances is a daunting task. With everything going remote, the already blurry lines between our home lives and our work/school lives have basically disappeared, making it awfully tough for us to truly tune out. Regardless, there are countless way to counterbalance this draining omnipresence, with the most obvious one being sticking to a daily routine. Get up and go to bed at the same time, take regular breaks (including a lunch break), spend time with your loved ones, exercise. Once the day is done, turn off your laptop, leave it all behind, and just relax. Work can usually wait - life can’t.

8. Stay in touch

Working or learning remotely can make it utterly difficult even for the most sociable person to not become somewhat isolated – especially if they’re living alone. We could probably fill up a lexicon with the undesirable consequences of loneliness and social isolation, but we’re only going to give you one precious piece of advice: talk to more people as part of your daily routine. Even a simple “What’s up?” can lead to deep conversations. Text a coworker or a classmate. Go out for coffee, lunch, drink, whatever. Call your mom. The options are endless, even with any potential Covid-related restrictions. Life didn’t stop, it just changed, and you must adapt.

9. Be present

Practicing mindfulness is imperative to improving mental health, especially in this day and age when digital distractions are constantly bombarding our senses, making us addicted to apps and platforms that take away the joy that comes with being present in the moment. And that is exactly what being mindful boils down to: the ability to be present, the ability to focus on what’s in front of you, appreciate it, and make the most out of it. So put down your phone, turn off your laptop, forget staring at screens for a few hours, and count your blessings. Putting the icing on the mindfulness cake is the fact that it makes you more self-aware and empathetic, helping you to treat others as you want to be treated – an ability that comes in handy and usually pays dividends in most walks of life.

We at Logiscool wholeheartedly believe that the present and the future is digital. In a world where technology touches every aspect of our lives, it is crucial that our children become active creators, not just passive users of it.

We also believe that building habits conducive to physical and mental health to counterbalance the downsides of modern life is equally as crucial. Our goal is to ensure that our students are equipped with not only coding and digital literacy related skills, but also the life skills required to become healthy, mindful and physically active digital workers.

For more information on our courses, workshops and holiday camps, please visit our website: https://www.logiscool.com/en-be.