Explore the Best Programming & Digital Camps!

Is your child ready for a new adventure and to learn something awesome? Select from 30+ exciting digital creator or programming topics not covered in school!

A Pécsi Iskola nyári táboraiban már több 100 gyermek töltötte a nyarat. Ők nyárról-nyárra boldogan térnek vissza és hozzák barátaikat is - ezért is működünk telt házzal minden évben!



Programming & Digital Camp Prices

Half Day Camp
45.900 Ft
half day / 5 days a week
max. 12 participants
meal: ten-hour meal or snack
indoor digital skills development
young, enthusiastic trainers
The place is guaranteed after paying a deposit of HUF 30,000. Professional program only / morning or afternoon, 4 hours based on the chosen camp theme.
Full Day Camp
59.900 Ft
full day / 5 days a week
max. 12 participants
meals: 3 times / day
indoor digital skills development, outdoor programmes
young, enthusiastic animators and trainers
different entertainment every day
The place is guaranteed after a deposit of 30 000 HUF. The price includes professional programmes, meals and leisure activities.

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Explore our Programming and Digital Camps!

Detailed Information


PRICES: The fee for the one-week, all-day camp is HUF 59,900, which includes various professional, game and sports programs, tickets to external venues (e.g. beach) and 3 meals a day. The price of the half-day camp is HUF 45,900, the price includes the one-week (5 days, Mon-Fri) professional programs, the morning half-day program the snack, and the afternoon half-day program the snack. Book in time and pay for your child's camp place at last year's price. Our promotion lasts until April 30th!DISCOUNTS: TÜKE card discount 10%, PTE discount 10%, sibling discount: 5%, multi-week discount: 5%. The maximum amount of the discount that can be combined is 10%. PAYMENT: After registration, the application becomes final with the payment of a deposit of HUF 30,000, only in this case we are able to book and reserve a place. After receiving the registration form, an invoice will be sent to all applicants to the e-mail address provided in the subject of the camp application.

Details of our bank account: CRMR-TEAM Kft., Erste Bank, 11600006-00000000-94144046 When making a transfer, please enter the account number and the name of the child in the comment. The remaining part should be transferred no later than 10 days before the start of the camp of your choice. Cancellation: In case of illness or cancellation for any other reason, you are entitled to a 90% refund of the camp fee until Monday one week before the start of the turn. (in this case, a 10% handling fee will be deducted from the total camp fee). The advance payment will only be refunded by the participant in case of cancellation at least 15 days before the start of the camp (except for cancellation with a health certificate). Cancellation must always be confirmed in writing (by email to hello.pecs@logiscool.com); The refund will be refunded to the original payer within 30 days of confirmation.

If the child is unable to participate in the camp due to illness, it is possible to change the given turn to another turn - within the given summer, depending on the availability of places - without an additional fee, if it is indicated in writing by noon on the Friday before the originally paid turn (by email at the hello.pecs@logiscool.com address) and the medical certificate is attached to the email (we cannot accept a medical certificate issued afterwards as valid).

If the Camper falls ill during the Camp and has to leave the Camp or has to spend part of the camp days separately at the Camp site, the Camp Organizers are not responsible for this and the illness cannot provide grounds for an extraordinary refund of the camp fee.

If we are unable to hold the camp we have chosen, we will provide the opportunity to choose another date or type of camp, or to request a refund of the advance payment.


In the summer of 2025, we are waiting for 7-14-year-olds who want to camp for 5 weeks in our 5-day camps!

  • Dates: Our camps are five days, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., depending on the type of camp.
  • Arrival and departure: Arrival is possible from 7:45 at the earliest and we can provide supervision until 16:30 at the latest.
  • Meals: In the case of an all-day camp, we provide snacks, lunch and snacks for the children, and in the case of a half-day camp, a small meal (snacks/snacks). Please indicate your child's possible food allergy when registering!
Camp types

Full-day camp: Students participate in a professional program in one half of the day, while a leisure program is provided for them in the second half of the day. In the case of the all-day camp, we use several locations: the location of the Logiscool school, nearby sports fields, excursion sites, as well as the swimming pool site and nearby places that are easily accessible by public transport. The professional activities and leisure program can be in the morning or in the afternoon, the exact schedule can be found in the description of the selected camp.

Half-day camp: one week long, from Monday to Friday. The half-day camps are held in the morning or afternoon, the time of day is determined by the number of applicants (aiming for almost the same number of participants in the morning/afternoon). The venue of our half-day camps is Logiscool Pécs, where students participate in professional programs with the help of our prepared instructors. We provide snacks or snacks for our campers. We recommend our half-day camps from the 6th grade upwards.

  • Leisure program: In addition to the thematic programs, a variety of leisure programs await the children: sports, entertainment, adventure, a genuine "cool" atmosphere and many other exciting programs! Our goal is to move the children in the camp as diversely as possible, in addition to "professional programs" and coding. In addition to exercising their brains, we also make sure that exercise, sports and teamwork are part of our daily lives. The leisure program is a half-day program, held before or after the professional program of the given theme (i.e. in the morning or afternoon). Our experienced camp leaders and enthusiastic animators await our students with various interesting games and sports programs!

We will provide detailed information about the planned programs of the given week on Monday morning upon arrival.

További részletek

FONTOS INFORMÁCIÓ MINECRAFT TÁBOROKHOZ: az árak nem tartalmazzák a Minecraft táborokhoz szükséges hivatalos hozzáférést (Computer/PC/Java edition), amelyre minden Minecraft táborban

résztvevő gyermeknek szüksége lesz. A megvásárolt hozzáférés a gyermek tulajdonában marad. A licensz itt vásárolható meg: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition Egyes táborainkat minimum 6 fő jelentkezésével indítjuk, a maximális létszám 14 fő. A különböző témaköröket a jelentkezők létszámának és a rendelkezésre álló erőforrások, kapacitások függvényében indítjuk. Folyamatosan kommunikálunk a szülőkkel, amennyiben a kiválasztott tábor nem indul vagy betelt a csoportlétszám, egyeztetünk az alternatívákról. Arról, hogy egy adott időpontban indul-e a kiválasztott tábor, a kezdés előtt legkésőbb 1 - 2 héttel tájékoztatást adunk.

Ha a választott tábort mégsem tudjuk megtartani, lehetőséget biztosítunk másik időpont vagy tábortípus választására, vagy a befizetett előleg visszaigénylésére.

Az árak a tömegközlekedéshez szükséges jegyeket és az esetleges költőpénzt nem tartalmazzák.

A meghirdetett táborokkal kapcsolatban a változtatás jogát fenntartjuk!

We reserve the right to make changes to the advertised camps!

Said about us

Give a boost to your child's future with us

three boys in blue t-shirts front of a laptop
Edutaining community platform - MyLogiscool

By joining Logiscool, kids receive free and continuous access to our unique edutaining community portal. Here, they can enhance their knowledge in various ways even between classes in a safe and controlled environment. They can find inspiration in their peers' projects, practice what they learnt and develop further while playing with our cool mini quests, high score games, challenges, and quizzes about the actual hot topics of the digital world.

white icons in front of blue background
Becoming an active creator is fun!

We are committed to teaching kids the joy of digital literacy with fully gamified lessons which are full of fun. Our platforms are engaging and innovative so we can provide an inspiring environment both online and in-person.

• Online classes up to 8 students
• Classroom lessons up to 12 students
• Private education according to your child's own pace
• Young and enthusiastic trainers
• After-school or on Saturdays
• All equipment provided

If you need more information, please contact us!

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