from September to June
2 semesters
2*17 sessions
2*45 minutes/ week
from September to June
2 semesters
2 x 17 sessions
2 x 45 minutes a week

Register as soon as possible! If your child is new to programming and excited about the digital world, that's why, and if they've tried it, know what it's like and want to make their own games, that's why. Our courses are tailored to the skill level of each age group.

Explore our Digital Learning Journey!

Logiscool guides your child from the basics all the way to earning a Python diploma!

levels icon
Digital Intro

Coding is the language of the future. This course teaches basic digital skills and analytical thinking.

laptop icon
Digital Discovery

Spark your kid's interest in IT with cutting-edge digital tools, such as LEGO robots, Canva or MS Video Editor!

thumbs-up icon
Coding for Beginners

Smooth transition from visual coding to written programming languages while kids create computer games.

certificate icon
Advanced Programming

Empower your child to earn a Python diploma, learn AI and data science while delving into game development projects.

Programming, Digital Literacy and AI Course Prices

Semester fee
89.400 Ft
90 minutes / week
17 sessions / semester
max. 12 participants
award-winning curriculum
young enthusiastic trainers
3 free make-ups / semester
The price includes 17 sessions / semester and a 5% discount (February 2024 - June 2024)
Monthly fee
20.900 Ft
90 minutes / week
17 sessions / semester
max. 12 participants
award-winning curriculum
young enthusiastic trainers
3 free make-ups / semester
Annual fee
178.700 Ft
90 minutes / week
17 sessions / semester
max. 12 participants
award-winning curriculum
young enthusiastic trainers
3 free make-ups / semester
The full academic year (9 months) fee includes a 5% discount.

Said about us

Find the best program for your child

Some Entry Courses you can join any time, others start together with the school semesters.

If you have questions about our courses, we are happy to guide you to find the best fit.

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Explore Course Details Further!


We welcome all our old and new students to our continuing and new courses in September!


During August we will open the simplified pre-registration for our September courses, all parents have been informed by e-mail! For any questions, please contact us.


If you have never visited us before, you are very welcome to our free family open days! As a parent you will get information on how, what and what we teach, and your child can make their first computer game and take the experience home.


The course fee

  • The annual course fee is payable in equal monthly instalments of 20.900 HUF / month (September 2024 - June 2025)
  • The amount of the monthly instalments is the same regardless of the number of hours per month
  • The course fee can also be paid in a lump sum, in which case the fee includes a 5% discount


  • Group discount: 5% - for at least 4 new students
  • Sibling discount: 5%
  • Lump-sum payment: 5%
  • My student discount: 5%
  • Maximum combined discount 10%

Payment terms

An e-invoice for the course fee will be issued in the student's name and should be paid by bank transfer by the first Logiscool class of the month.

Dates and application

Kurzusaink a 2022. szeptember 19-ével kezdődő héten kezdődnek és 2023. június 12-ig tartanak.

Mindkét félév 17 Logiscool órát tartalmaz. Óráink hetente egyszer 90 percesek (2x45 perc). Hétköznaponként 15.00-től és 16.40-től, szombaton pedig 10.00-tól és 11.40-től indítunk csoportokat.

Hiányzás esetén félévente 3 ingyenes pótlási lehetőséget biztosítunk.

A regisztrációs felületen a preferált időpont megadása mellett lehetőség van alternatív időpontok bejelölésére is. Kérjük, hogy a legördülő menüben minden alkalmas időpontot legyetek kedvesek bejelölni! Amennyiben egyik választható időpont sem megfelelő, kérjük, hogy keresd az iskolavezetőt vagy válassz ki egy (bármilyen) időpontot és a MEGJEGYZÉS mezőben adj meg számunkra további információt, hogy megoldást kereshessünk. A Megjegyzés mező a regisztrációs űrlap végén található.

Minden szülő számára levelet küldünk a kurzus kezdete előtti héten, mely a kurzuskezdéssel kapcsolatos minden fontos információt tartalmaz.

Our open courses

Below you can find the schedule of our courses you can join now. If you don’t find a suitable time, we are happy to find a solution together.

If you need more information, please contact us!

Your full name
Email address
Telephone number
School grade of Your Child
Your message to us