from September to June
2 semesters
2*17 sessions
2*45 minutes/ week
The hottest digital topics
Trainers from the best universities
From digital skills development to Python programming
260 000+ students worldwide

Find the perfect course for your kid's learning journey!

Short courses

Let your child master new skills in no time! Quick and focused, these courses are designed for both beginners and advanced programmers. With just 6-10 lessons, your child can gain valuable skills in hours.

Beginner courses

Our most loved courses for new programmers. These year-long courses (34 lessons) provide a strong foundation in programming and digital skills, making them perfect for first-time coders.

Advanced courses

Specialised learning for experienced coders. Tailored for advanced learners, these in-depth courses run throughout the school year (34 leassons) and focus on developing specialised programming skills.

Explore our Digital Learning Journey!

Logiscool guides your child from the basics all the way to earning a Python diploma!

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Digital Intro

Coding is the language of the future. This course teaches basic digital skills and analytical thinking.

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Digital Discovery

Spark your kid's interest in IT with cutting-edge digital tools, such as LEGO robots, Canva or MS Video Editor!

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Coding for Beginners

Smooth transition from visual coding to written programming languages while kids create computer games.

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Advanced Programming

Empower your child to earn a Python diploma, learn AI and data science while delving into game development projects.

Apply now! If your children haven't learned programming yet and the digital world is exciting to them, that's why. If they've already tried it and know how fun it is, and they like to make their own game, then that's why. Our courses are adapted to the knowledge level of all age groups.

Said about us

No open Courses for registration right now

We don’t have any Courses scheduled in the coming weeks, but feel free to reach out with any questions—we’re happy to help!

Explore Course Details Further!


We warmly welcome all our old and new students to our continuing and new courses!

TO OUR CURRENT STUDENTS: During August we open the simplified pre-registration for our September courses, and notify all parents by e-mail. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

FOR NEW STUDENTS: If you haven't visited us yet, we look forward to meeting you on our free family open days! As a parent, you will receive information about how and with what method we teach. Your child can also play their first computer game and take the experience home.




Enrollment condition for advanced courses: successful completion of a level assessment test.

Prices, discounts and payment

Poplatok za kurz

Poplatok za kurz na jeden polrok (17 lekcií) je možné zaplatiť

  • jednorázovo 295€

  • dve splátky po 155€

  • štyri splátky po 80€


  • Skupinová zľava: 5% - ak sa spolu prihlásia aspoň 4 noví študenti, ak sa do nášho programu registrujú prvýkrát. Zľava platí na prvý akademický rok kurzu Logiscool.

  • Súrodenecká zľava: 5% - obaja súrodenci sa zapisujú na našu školu na ten istý školský rok. Zľavu je možné uplatniť, pokiaľ obaja súrodenci študujú na našej škole.

  • Zľava za absolvovanie ukážkovej hodiny: 5 - 10%

  • Maximálna zľava, ktorú je možné kombinovať je 10%

Platobné podmienky

Vo všetkých prípadoch vystavujeme na meno študenta e-faktúru za kurz, ktorú prosíme uhradiť bankovým prevodom v termíne splatnosti.

Dates and application

Naše kurzy začínajú v októbri 2022 a trvajú do júna 2023.

Oba semestre zahŕňajú 17 lekcií Logiscool. Naše lekcie sú raz týždenne po 90 minút (t.j. 2x45 minút). Skupiny začínajú v pracovné dni medzi cca 14:30 - 16:30 v závislosti od vekovej skupiny.

V prípade absencie poskytujeme 2 bezplatné náhradné hodiny za semester.

Okrem stanoveného času je možné zvoliť aj alternatívne termíny. Označte všetky vhodné termíny v ponuke. Ak vám žiadny z voľných termínov nevyhovuje, kontaktujte riaditeľa školy alebo vyberte (akýkoľvek) termín a do kolónky POZNÁMKA nám napíšte ďalšie informácie, aby sme našli riešenie. Kolónka Poznámka sa nachádza na konci registračného formulára.

Všetkým rodičom posielame týždeň pred začiatkom kurzu list, ktorý obsahuje všetky dôležité informácie o začatí kurzu.

If you need more information, please contact us!

Your full name
Email address
Telephone number
School grade of Your Child
Your message to us