AI болон өгөгдлийн шинжлэх ухааныг Python-д хэрэглэх
The continuation of our AI& Data science course, during the second semester our goal is for our students to become familiar with neural networks. Using the Python language, students will be able to independently apply predictive algorithms, solving problems such as image recognition or text processing.
for 13-18 насныхан
Онлайн, Танхим
Prerequisite: Artificial Intelligence & Data Science with Python 434
Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх
The professional application of neural networks
As a continuation of the previous semester, our students learn how neural networks can be used to solve tasks requiring artificial intelligence and their best use-cases. We delve into complex data structures, understand how to generate text with artificial intelligence, or how self-driving cars work. During the course, we will also deal with ethical issues related to the topic. At the end of the semester, students will be able to model neural networks in Python. The acquired knowledge lays the foundation for the participants' subsequent data science and professional studies.
Тавигдах шаардлага
Artificial Intelligence & Data Science with Python 434 course.
Шаардлагатай програм хангамж
- Танхимаар суралцахад: Манай сурагчид Google-д бүртгүүлсэн байх хэрэгтэй. Бид хичээлд шаардлагатай бусад бүх хэрэгслээр ханган ажилладаг.
- Онлайн сургалт орох тохиолдолдолд:байнгын интернет холболт, микрофон, хулгана, компьютер зэрэг хэрэгсэл шаардлагатай. Чихэвч, вэб камер бас хэрэг болно. Бид шаардлагатай програм хангамжаар ханган ажиллана.
for 13-18 насныхан
Онлайн, Танхим
Prerequisite: Artificial Intelligence & Data Science with Python 434
Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх