Та хүүхдэдээ ирээдүйн ур чадварыг хөгжүүлэхэд нь туслахыг хүсч байна уу? Бид таны хүүхдэд програмчлалын хэлийг тоглоомд суурилсан хөгжилтэй аргаар зааж ирээдүйн амжилттай мэргэжилтэн болох суурийг бэлдэх болно.
for 4+ ангийнхан
1 x 90 min. / week
Онлайн, Танхим
Өмнөх курс: BLOX 212 эсвэл BLOX 221 Курс
Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх
Хүн бүхэн код сурч чадна гэдэгт бид итгэдэг!
During this module, your child will master visual programming and deepen their already acquired knowledge about coding while creating various games and working on increasingly complex projects with the help of our dedicated trainers.
With the help of this module, kids can practice the basics of programming in a fun and engaging manner and master their visual programming skills by building different programs using colorful blocks.
After having completed this module, kids can continue their journey on the path to professional coding through increasingly challenging modules. The course is also useful for acquiring life skills besides coding, such as algorithmic and analytical thinking.
Таны хүүхэд юу сурах вэ:
Гогцоо (loop), үндсэн логик оператор, нөхцөл, хувьсагчийн хэрэглээг дадлага хийх.
Application of basic mathematical principles in a playful way, implementing theory in practice
Using signals to make game characters communicate with each other
Application of clones, copies of game actors
Using global and local variables
Using the Cartesian coordinate system
Програмыг өөр өөр цэгээс эхлүүлэх
Using lists
Application of different color effects, transparency, parallax backgrounds
Problem-solving and algorithmic thinking
Focus and precision
Concentration and perseverance
Technical requirements
For online courses: A laptop or a computer with internet connection and a Chrome browser, plus a built-in or external microphone. We recommend having a headset and a webcam too.
The software needed for online communication and coding is provided by us.
Өмнөх курс
Completion of BLOX 212 or BLOX 221 Courses.
for 4+ ангийнхан
1 x 90 min. / week
Онлайн, Танхим
Өмнөх курс: BLOX 212 эсвэл BLOX 221 Курс
Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх