Developer Masterclass
In our ultimate masterclass, we challenge participants to get to know the most important methodologies and tools necessary for successful software development, realizing their own software product idea.
for 15-18 насныхан
Онлайн, Танхим
Prerequisite: The Logiscool Entry-Test for Advanced Programming or the completion of the MIX 312 course course
Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх
From the idea to the implementation!
During the semester, students get a comprehensive view of software development, from idea to implementation. They become familiar with the tools and methods required for the planning and managing of complex development projects. Various exercises in class help consolidate this complex knowledge. Students can continuously apply their newly acquired skills during the lessons in their own projects, either in a team or independently. In the future, they will be able to put these skills to use in a professional environment.
Тавигдах шаардлага
Successful completion of the MIX 312 course or Logiscool entry test for advanced courses.
Шаардлагатай програм хангамж
- Танхимаар суралцахад: Манай сурагчид Google-д бүртгүүлсэн байх хэрэгтэй. Бид хичээлд шаардлагатай бусад бүх хэрэгслээр ханган ажилладаг.
- Онлайн сургалт орох тохиолдолдолд:байнгын интернет холболт, микрофон, хулгана, компьютер зэрэг хэрэгсэл шаардлагатай. Чихэвч, вэб камер бас хэрэг болно. Бид шаардлагатай програм хангамжаар ханган ажиллана.
for 15-18 насныхан
Онлайн, Танхим
Prerequisite: The Logiscool Entry-Test for Advanced Programming or the completion of the MIX 312 course course
Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх