Цахим зохион бүтээгч сургалт

Youtube Studio – Online video production

During this camp,kids will learn the basics of video and audio editing, and they can try the coolest online genres! We'll also talk about internet trolls, online security, and the legal background of vlogging. By analyzing good and bad examples, we'll also find out what makes for a successful Youtube channel!

Youtube Studio – Online video production сургалт

for 13-16+ насныхан

Онлайн, Танхим

Өмнөх курс: Байхгүй

Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх

Let your kids launch their own channel and create cool content!

Is your kid interested in making and editing videos and wants to produce cool content? Are they wondering what makes a Youtube channel successful? Not everyone has to become an influencer, but if they want to express themselves in a visual way, we'll teach them everything you need to know!


During the camp, kids will be able to:

Design their own channels (with their individual goal, content plan, message, communication style)

Take a look at the coolest topics and genres of video sharing sites. Especially those that have a purpose other than simple entertainment, such as educational videos, reviews, travel videos, podcasts, gameplay, unboxing, etc.

Get to know the WeVideo online video editing platform, as well as simple image and sound editing techniques and subtitling

Make a clear distinction between clickbait and useful, original content

Produce valuable, useful video content in line with YouTube's principles

Deal with internet security

Unravel what makes a YouTube channel really good

Тавигдах шаардлага

Kids do not need any previous training or knowledge to complete this camp.

Шаардлагатай програм хангамж

  • For our in-Logiscool camps: Kids need a device that is able to record video (mobile phone, tablet, gopro etc.) and a headphone.
  • In case, the school opens online camps: In addition to the mentioned video recording device and headphone, to participate in the online camps, you will need a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. We recommend having a headset and a web camera too. All the necessary software is provided by us. Our school leaders will contact you prior to the camp with information on how to install the software.
Youtube Studio – Online video production сургалт

for 13-16+ насныхан

Онлайн, Танхим

Өмнөх курс: Байхгүй

Mylogiscool-д 24/7 нэвтрэх эрх

Хүүхдэд зориулсан олон улсын сургалтын портал
Манай дэлхийд танигдсан сургалтын портал MyLogiscool-ийн тусламжтайгаар сурагчид үе тэнгийнхнийхээ төслүүдээс урам зориг авах боломжтой. Тэд сурсан зүйлээ дадлагажуулж, жижиг сорилтуудыг даран, тоглоом, асуулт хариулт, сорилуудыг тоглож байхдаа мэдлэгээ дээшлүүлэх боломжтой. Энэхүү платформ нь тэднийг хичээлийн бус цагаар өөрт хэрэгцээтэй, хөгжилтэй үйл ажиллагаа явуулахад дэмжиж, Logiscool-н мэдээ, арга хэмжээний талаар тэдэнд мэдээлдэг. Хүүхдүүддээ ирээдүйн хэл сурахад туслаарай! Үнэгүй Демо хичээлд бүртгүүлж, дижитал ертөнцийн хамгийн гайхалтай нууцуудыг олж мэдэх боломжийг тэдэнд олгоорой.