Courses and Prices

Developing digital skills with digital literacy, programming and AI courses for children

We welcome beginners and advanced students to our courses starting in February! If your child is excited about the digital world and wants to learn about artificial intelligence, programming and the most important skills of the future, then yes, and if they have tried it, know what it's like and want to continue learning the most important skills of their generation, then yes. Our courses are tailored to the skill levels of all age groups, from grades 1-12. Register as soon as possible!

Find the best program for your child

Some Entry Courses you can join any time, others start together with the school semesters.

If you have questions about our courses, we are happy to guide you to find the best fit.

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Detailed information


We welcome students to our courses starting in September!


In the autumn semester, the classes for the spring semester will continue. We will try to keep the dates unchanged. It will of course be possible to register for new dates, and after registration we will contact you personally to find the best solution for our students. Watch out for our information letter, which will contain the details you need to re-register. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help. Upon request, we will automatically register all students for the new semester, so parents will not have to do anything.


If you have never visited us before, you are very welcome to our free family open days: CHOOSE A DATE! As a parent, you'll get information on how, what and what we teach, and your child can make their first computer game and take the experience home.


A kurzus díja

  • A kurzus éves díja központi iskolánkban és online: 179.100 Ft, kihelyezett helyszíneinken: 197.000 Ft, hűségvállalással, mely tartalmazza a 34 alkalmat (34x90 perc) 2023. szeptembertől 2024. júniusig.
  • A féléves díj központi iskolánkban és online 89.550 Ft/félév, kihelyezett helyszíneinken 98.500 Ft hűségvállalással, mely 17 alkalmat (17x90 perc) tartalmaz (2023. szept - 2024. febr.).
  • A kurzusdíj fizethető azonos részletekben havonta is. Ez a díj a központi iskolánkban és online 19.900 Ft / hó, kihelyezett helyszíneinken 21.900 Ft/hó (2023. szeptember - 2024. májusig). A szeptemberi és júniusi törthónapok összevonva, szeptemberben kerülnek kiszámlázásra, azaz júniusban a szeptemberben beiratkozók és tandíjat befizetők számára már nem állítunk ki számlát). A havi részletek összege a többi hónapban azonos, függetlenül az adott hónapra eső óraszámtól.


  • Testvér kedvezmény: 5% - ugyanarra a tanévre iskolánkba több testvér regisztrálása esetén. Addig érvényesíthető a kedvezmény, amíg mindkét testvér iskolánkban tanul.
  • Egyösszegű befizetések kedvezménye hűségvállalással:
  • 5%, féléves tandíj egyösszegű befizetése esetén hűségvállalással
  • 10%, egész éves tandíj befizetése esetén hűségvállalással
  • A legnagyobb összevonható kedvezmény mértéke 15%

Fizetési feltételek

Minden esetben a diák nevére szóló e-számlát állítunk ki a kurzus díjáról, melyet átutalással az adott hónap első Logiscool órájáig kérjük rendezni.


Our courses will start the week of 18 September 2023 and run until 10 June 2024.

The course year includes 34 Logiscool lessons. Our classes are 90 minutes once a week (2x45 minutes). We run classes at our central school from 15.00 and 16.40 on weekdays and from 9.00 and 10.40 on Saturdays. At our outreach locations in the respective primary schools, at times agreed in advance with the school management and parents, in line with the children's timetable.

In the event of absence, three free substitutions per term are provided at our main school, at times agreed in advance with the school coordinator.

In the registration interface, you can also tick alternative dates in addition to the preferred date. Please tick all suitable dates in the drop-down menu. If none of the available dates is suitable, please contact the head teacher or select a date (any date) and provide us with further information in the NOTE field so that we can find a solution. The comment box is at the end of the registration form.

A letter will be sent to all parents the week before the start of the course with all the important information about the start of the course.

What Parents are Saying

Kids can create their first computer game for free

Are you interested in getting to know how coding and digital literacy can contribute to your kids’ future success? Try it for free together with your child! Join our free open day online or in person, and while they get familiar with an exciting new world with the help of our trainer, we can also talk about the importance of digital literacy with you. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Would you like to try the Logiscool experience?

Look into the world of Logiscool, register to our Open Days!

At our open day, you can find out everything about our award-winning methodology, get to know our unique platforms and choose the perfect course for your child - while they make their very first computer game!

little girl in red shirt pointing up in front of white background

Next dates for free demo lessons

Give a boost to your child's future with us

three boys in blue t-shirts front of a laptop
Edutaining community platform - MyLogiscool

By joining Logiscool, kids receive free and continuous access to our unique edutaining community portal. Here, they can enhance their knowledge in various ways even between classes in a safe and controlled environment. They can find inspiration in their peers' projects, practice what they learnt and develop further while playing with our cool mini quests, high score games, challenges, and quizzes about the actual hot topics of the digital world.

white icons in front of blue background
Becoming an active creator is fun!

We are committed to teaching kids the joy of digital literacy with fully gamified lessons which are full of fun. Our platforms are engaging and innovative so we can provide an inspiring environment both online and in-person.

• Online classes up to 8 students
• Classroom lessons up to 12 students
• Private education according to your child's own pace
• Young and enthusiastic trainers
• After-school or on Saturdays
• All equipment provided

World number one platform for learning coding

Our unique educational platform is developed for easy transition from visual coding to text based programming languages.
blox coding icon

Blox coding

We start coding education with “building blocks”. Our unique visual coding method is always best adjusted to all ages and knowledge levels.

mix coding icon

Mix coding

As a second step, students start writing codes in MIX mode, where they can see both the building blox and the text-based languages in parallel.

text coding icon

Text coding

Once they feel confident to leave the visual blocks behind, we move to text-based programming languages, like Python, Unity, Godot or C#.

If you need more information, please contact us!

Your full name
Email address
Telephone number
School grade of Your Child
Your message to us

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